Attention bucket
The attention bucket is full of highly desirable items that will engage and excite the child. The attention bucket aims to support the child’s attention skills, helping them to develop and maintain focus for longer periods of time.
Checklists – Getting ready to work
Some children find it hard to start a task and need reminders. Checklists can help to remind children what is expected of them and help them to focus. It can be a getting ready for learning checklist like the one in the video. Or it could be a getting dressed checklist, steps of a task, things you need to do before bed etc.
Picture exchange communication system (PECS)
This is an alternative communication system which begins with a simple exchange. A picture for the item. As seen in the video, the child using the picture of cars to obtain the item to play with. Once the child is familiar of exchanging at a stationary point, travelling is introduced. As seen by the water bottle exchange. Where the child would like his water as he is thirsty, and communicated this by getting the card from a known place and exchanging it for the water bottle. The primary goal of PECS is to teach functional communication.
Sensory bag and sensory trays – letter writing
Some children learn best when you engage their senses. A child’s cognitive skills are developed when you expose them to different textures, colours or sounds. Cognitive skills are the core skills your brain needs to think, read, write, learn and remember. We have used a sensory bag and a sensory tray to encourage letter writing in these videos. Sensory bags and trays can be used for a variety of reasons, counting, exploring seasons, exploring colours, exploring themes … the list is only limited by your imagination. The internet has some wonderful ideas.
Speech and language – Instructions
This is an example of helping children to understand and follow instructions. At this stage the child is following 1 step instructions. These will become more complex as the child progresses. The adult checks that the child knows what is expected of them and repeats the instruction until it is fulfilled.
Speech and language – Pronouns
This is an example of a speech and language activity, where a new concept is being introduced. The adult uses my turn your turn so that the child hears the correct pronunciation. Then small step instructions are given to practice the new vocabulary and to use it in context. This will then be developed to be more complex with a variety of different pictures for the pronouns.