Our sixth form is based in our brand new £45 million campus. Excellent teaching and learning combined with superb facilities ensure all students achieve their academic potential and progress to some of the UK’s top universities.
We offer an extensive range of A-Level subjects and we work closely with other sixth forms in the area so students can have a broader range of subjects. Students can travel to Sydney Russell School, Jo Richardson School, Eastbury School and Dagenham Park School for any subjects that we do not offer using the free transport available.
Staff are dedicated to working hard with you and to provide excellent teaching to ensure each student fulfills their potential. There are staff responsible for the mentoring and care of students through a tutor group system and a range of opportunities for one-to-one guidance and support. We want our students to feel happy, secure and enjoy coming to school. We are committed to forming positive relationships with parents and keeping them informed of students’ targets and progress.